

Coding the world.

Hi! 2021

2020 passed in a flash. It feels like just yesterday when I wrote the year-end summary... This year has been unforgettable for all of us, with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic bringing about many changes. For me, 2020 was also significant - I turned 18 in September. In January 2021, I took my first "mini college entrance exam" and gained a lot from the process of dealing with exam anxiety. This year, I also made many new friends through Dou's Hut. I want to thank everyone for their support and also express my gratitude to all the experts who helped me overcome various difficulties this year. Due to academic pressure, I only updated my blog three times in 2020, and I apologize for that.

Ⅰ. Dou's Hut in the Past Year#

(Data from Google Analytics)

  1. Dou's Hut had a total of 22,000 valid visits in 2020, an increase of 37.07% compared to last year.
  2. The most viewed article was "PoiLive2d" with 689,875 views, accounting for 99% of the total.
  3. In December 2020, there were a total of 3,264 visits, accounting for 14.84%.
  4. Dou's Hut gained 16 new friends, bringing the total number of friends to 67.
  5. There were a total of 704 comments on Dou's Hut, with an increase of 204 comments, a growth of 40.8%.
  6. PoiLive2d plugins were downloaded over 6000 times (data from Lanzou Cloud).
  7. Google Ads generated $39.11 in advertising revenue for Dou's Hut.

Ⅱ. How was DouAPI this year?#

  1. Since the reconstruction last year, DouAPI has significantly improved its performance. In early 2020, a new Upyun node was added, and currently, there are available nodes from CloudFlare and Upyun, with the source server still using Vultr's Singapore server.

  2. DouAPI's dynamic signature interface collaborated with Daidai Sauce and now provides the generation of Daidai Sauce signatures (Background ID: 15).


  3. DouAPI was called 459,945,090 (400 million) times in 2020.

  4. The hitokoto interface was called 449,717,327 (400 million) times, accounting for 97.78%.

  5. The chicken soup interface was called 9,407,471 (9.4 million) times, accounting for 2.04%.

  6. The Bili live barrage interface (not public) was called 453,044 (453,000) times, accounting for 0.10%.

  7. The signature interface was called 137,212 (137,000) times, accounting for 0.03%.

  8. If time permits, I will try to rewrite DouAPI using Go.

  9. All statistical data will be displayed in real-time on the DouAPI homepage.

Ⅲ. What did I do in 2020?#

  1. DouBoard - An imitation version of Microsoft Whiteboard.
    • I was attracted by the interface of Microsoft Whiteboard and decided to imitate it.
  2. GHAuth (GayHome Authorization) - A lightweight Minecraft Yggdrasil authentication and skin hosting program.
    • The GayHome server previously used genuine verification to confirm player identities. Since some friends did not have genuine accounts, I spent a week developing GHAuth. Due to the strong demand from some group members, I separated the configuration file and made a simple package. It is currently open source on GitHub.
    • GHAuth was my first complete development of user registration and login logic. During the development process, I encountered Koa, complex MongoDB operations, and Redis operations for the first time. I gained a lot from it and I am grateful for the help of the experts when I was confused.

Ⅳ. Miscellaneous#

  1. PuzzleMaker is temporarily abandoned and needs to be filled.
  2. I abandoned Ark and am currently addicted to Genshin Impact (Official UID: 104003683).
  3. I have received donations from many people ❤, and the detailed list will be displayed on a separate page.
  4. It seems difficult to achieve the dream of monthly updates.

Ⅴ. Future Outlook#

  1. Development of GHAuth (email verification, FIDO support, quick deployment configuration, etc.).
  2. Rewriting DouAPI in Go.

Thank you all for your understanding and companionship. Dou will continue to work hard. Happy New Year to everyone! q(≧▽≦q)

I forgot to send this on New Year's Day, and it's not yet Chinese New Year. I feel so uncomfortable.>﹏<

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.