

Coding the world.

Welcome! 2019


Unknowingly, Dai Dou's little house has gone through another spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Dai Dou has met many interesting friends, learned a lot, and grown a lot.

Data Statistics#

(Due to the restoration of backups, data from the past month has been lost)

  • Blog visits: 8,267, an increase of 12.89% compared to last year
  • Blog visitors: 4,697, an increase of 42.64% compared to last year
  • Blog comments: 264, an increase of 173 compared to last year
  • Hitokoto API total requests reached 2,794,736 times, with 52.75% of users identified as coolqhitokoto and 23.44% of users identified as poilive2d
  • Hitokoto API (tmallbot) total requests reached 6,864,615 times (the database count and the Tmall Elf developer platform count are inconsistent, and the reason has not been found temporarily)
  • Forum signature API total requests reached 177,133,943 times, with 34.64% coming from mcbbs.net

Development Plan#

Dai Dou was unable to accurately estimate the academic pressure in high school, and will make use of the time to develop the temporarily suspended projects (to be continued).

PuzzleMaker Remastered Version

UI redesign - 100%

Compatibility with CleverQQ, CoolQ - 100%

Support for sending unicode character sets - 90%

Puzzle plugin permission management - 40%

Optimize the interaction logic of the online editor - 10%

Offline editor developed using Electron - 30%

Real-time interaction between the editor and the robot framework - 10%

Thank you to all the friends who have accompanied Dai Dou through 2018. Let's continue to work hard in 2019!
Happy New Year to everyone!

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.